My story
What the... have I done?
What have I done to earn my space on the world wide web?
Lets take it from the beginning, shall we?
At a young age I was always listening to music. Different kinds of music on the radio and my parents records. This was long before CD's and even longer before the internet streaming services. If you wanted to listen to your favorite record you had to copy it to a cassette tape and that actually took as long as the records play time to do. And I did.
When me and my parents went on holiday I had about ten different cassettes with me to listen to. First "children music", the the old 50's and 60's rock'n'roll music and later hard rock and metal. But lets back it up a little.
In 4th grade I wanted to play myself. I bought a guitar from my aunt for 71 SEK, that was all I had in my small black purse that I used to have with me to my grandparents and play cards with (yes, we played cards for small exchange money). My parents then applied for guitar lessons at "kommunala musikskolan", but... They didn't have room for another pupil. So I tried trumpet for a year and found out it did not fit my asthma. Så my musicianship were put on hold while I struggled with intros to "Summer Nights", "Satisfaction" and "Smoke on the water" in my bedroom, played tennis and soccer.
I might have ended there, but when I turned 15 my two year older uncle bought an electric guitar and a Fender amp from a friend and with the buy came a snare drum and a hi-hat. My uncle was a natural with music and he soon learned the guitar and I followed on the little drum pieces he had. Some month later I worked as a trainee in a music shop and spotted a drum kit for sale, a black vinyl covered Maxwin set with 2002 Paiste cymbals. My parents bought it as a Christmas present for me for €400, a lot of money at the time. I later sold the drums, but I kept the steel Maxwin snare.
Curiosa: This year tho, I visited a friends rehearsal room to leave a speaker. He had a lot of trash stashed in a room, witch couldn't help pointing out. "Do you need anything", he jokingly replied. I looked around and there they were. My first drum kit. It still had the latest band logo on the bass drum front that I sold it with. "Take it" he said and I felt like the 15 year old kid again. It needs some care, but that is no problem. My daughter will play drums in school for the coming three years. It will make a perfect Christmas present 40 years later.
My first band (The Outlaws) with my uncle and my cousins boyfriend lasted a year and we wrote some good songs, but we never make it to the stage. Instead I started a band (F.O.J.) with my oldest friend. At first he were supposed to play guitar (as he had takin the course in kommunala musikskolan that I never got), but I soon found out that it was better to teach him how to play drums while I learned to play guitar and sing the songs that my first band with my uncle wrote. As a bass player we found my friends sisters boyfriends brother. We made it to the stage and at one gig we had my friends sister as a keyboard player with us. We really searched the closest circle to find band members, hahaha. My friends sister broke up with her boyfriend, the connection to the bass player faded out and after two years (seemed like an eternity back then) we went separate ways.
Before that separation I had already started playing bass and sing in a hard rock band (we had no real name but was refered to as "Toilet Killer" because one of the guitarists, while intoxicated, broke a toilet) with the drummer that until this day has followed me in various bands, today as a bass player. The band lasted for a year and I took the drummer with me to start a punk band (Lindes Pärlor) with two new found friends. Later the drummer brought hes old friend as the second guitarist to complete the punk quintet. But as many young bands it lasted just a few years before it was over. During those few years I started my solo project (EGO) that I'm still running and played drums in a friends funk project (Frank Fripp). The punk band reformed into another punk (GulZot) and our new guitarist then started a pop band (Silence) and needed a bass player. During that time I recorded bands on a small cassette porta-studio and one of the bands (Litter) asked me to be a stand in drummer because I knew there songs from the recording sessions. I think I played in five, six or more bands att the same time for a couple of years. Frank Fripp ended when the band leader moved to Stockholm, Silence ended when the guitarist moved to London, GulZot was because of the same reason put on hold and Litter split up...
A couple of years back from then I started a festival called "Augustibuller" and after the 1999 festival I met with friends working at the festival at a pub. The drummer from Silence, the bass player from Lindes Pärlor/GulZot and the "to be keyboard player" in Silence before we quit and a singer that was hanging around the local youth club asked me if I wanted to start a band with them and I accepted as a second guitarist of the band (Canis Lupus). Later I suggested the guitarist from Litter to stand in while the other guitarist went to do military service. After that a series of different member changes followed until we paused the band in 2006, after witch we reformed GulZot being my primary band until 2013. 2014 we reunited Canis Lupus and we still play wit almost the same members, we just swapped instrument between some members.
During all that time I have had my project EGO running. I have worked for most of the time, and still do, with kids aspiring to become musicians. I organized festivals (Augustibuller 1996-2004. Ended in 2007), Kris 2008, Vågen 2013-2014, Novemberfestivalen 1995-present, Vårskrik 2006-present), clubs (Klubb Ba'Rock, KBR Live, Bullerbyn, Underground) and a heck of a lot gigs at the now long gone youth club LUFT and at the still alive and kicking youth scene Hillstreet (were I also work with the kids). As a part of my daily job I organize education for kids and grown up musicians, work as a studio engineer and a live sound tech.
So what do I do at my spare time then?
Grow crops in my garden, hang around with my children, cuddle with my cats, renovate my house, watching documentary films and try to relax with my girlfriend. Not necessarily in that order.
Yes I am a vegetarian. At first from time to time (1995-2006) but now for definite since 2021. I'm living in a small town called Lindesberg, working at Studieframjandet and I am a strong believer of humanity, equal rights and equal value. I play music with Canis Lupus and write songs for my solo project EGO while organizing events and helping kids with music as a dream.
Writing this I'm sitting in my garden listening to music and drinking coffee and eating a sandwich. It is sunny and warm, the apple trees are full of apples and the patio I build this spring is a beautiful place to be.
Take care and let life be good to you <3